
 Historic Photos

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Miscellaneous Photos Circa 1910

Locomotive 1201 Train at Pocono Pool Hall of Charles Grice
Avery, Idaho
Charles Grice
Charles and Sadie Grice Couple at Fish Pond
Avery, Idaho
Hollingshead & Fearn Harvey Fearn
Japanese Community
 Avery, Idaho
Japanese Community
Avery, Idaho (2)
Forest before the fire near Tunnel 24, Loop Creek  Forest before the fire 
Steamboat "Spokane"
on Pend d'Oreille River
Steamboats at
St. Maries, Idaho.
Hillyard, Washington
Circa 1910
Work Train at
Saltese, Montana
Bullion Mine St. Joe Hotel,  Ferrell,  Idaho St. Joe Hotel,  Ferrell,  Idaho Bridge No. 5 at Tunnel 24 C.M.&P.S. Rwy
"Main Street" Grand Forks, Idaho Harry English,  Photographer Idaho Hospital,  St. Joe, Idaho  Dock at St. Joe, Idaho  
Main Street,  St. Maries,  Idaho       

Photos Taken During the 1910 Fire

Firefighters disembarking train
Avery, Idaho
Firefighters disembarking train
Avery, Idaho (2)
Firefighters at Breakfast
Avery, Idaho
Firefighters at Breakfast
Avery, Idaho (2)
Unloading Horses
Avery, Idaho
Unloading Horses
Avery, Idaho(2)
Army Camp
Avery, Idaho
Soldiers with Ranger Debitt
Avery, Idaho
Fire Fighters
with Ranger Debitt
Horses Returning to
Avery, Idaho
Halm camp Camp Scene
Wallace,  Idaho  
Cooking Dinner on the Fire-line Forest Fires near Bullion Mine Smoke from Big Creek Fire Beaver Creek Fire

The Aftermath, and the Devastation of  the Fire


Zeller and Anton Canjar

From Danielson's Crew  

Bringing bodies out for reburial, near Avery, Idaho 1912  After the fire.
Probably near Avery
Devastation from fire 6 miles above Avery
Fallen Tree at Beauchamp Homestead Hole at Beauchamp Homestead Boyd home Beauchamp Homestead
Grave on Big Creek for several victims of the fire are buried  Grave of seven fire fighters on Big Creek  Burned forest from top of range  Shows force of blast of the fire 
Trail work after fire  Salvage in Fire Blowdown

The Aftermath of  the Fire in Wallace, Idaho

   East Wallace Ruins
Wallace,  Idaho 
East Wallace Ruins
Wallace,  Idaho 
East Wallace Ruins
Wallace,  Idaho 
East Wallace Ruins
Wallace,  Idaho 
View of East Wallace
Wallace,  Idaho 
Overview of burned district
Wallace,  Idaho 
After the fire.
Wallace,  Idaho 
Fire Gutted Sunset Brewery,  Wallace,  Idaho 
Fire Gutted Sunset Brewery,  Wallace,  Idaho  Fire Gutted Worstell Store,  Wallace,  Idaho   East Wallace Ruins
Wallace,  Idaho  
Gutted O. R. & N. Depot
Wallace,  Idaho