Big Creek Precinct, Shoshone County, Idaho
1910 Federal Census
The census was taken in late April of 1910 and encompassed the approximate area the St. Joe river valley upstream from Marble Creek and included the town of Avery.
The original recording of these census pages was of poor quality and numerous transcription errors are likely.
Family groups 1-181: "CM&PS Right of Way" written in left margin & "Coeur d' Alene National Forest Reserve" on top of page.
Family groups 80-93: "Avery, not incorporated" on top of page.
Family groups 182 to 190: "Floodwood Creek" written in left margin, Clearwater National Forest Reserve on top of page.
There were 938 people living in the precinct in 1910, of which only 9. 2% (87) were female. Of the 938 people living in the precinct 596 of them were born outside of the United States. The charts below represent the nativity of the population and the age distribution of the precinct.